quinta-feira, junho 23, 2005

Ainda sobre Bill Clinton... o debate!

Escrito por Elise às 12:34 da tarde


Ainda não tinha agradecido a visita ao meu blog. Quanto ao vosso, sou leitora assídua, se bem que nem sempre comente.

Desejo também um bom S. João.

Blogger Diana Bento, at junho 23, 2005 2:08 da tarde  
A morada é a mesma, última mas o título é o velho.

Um bom S. João. Já agora que linda palestra do ministro da saúde lá pelo hospital S. João.

Já não há vergonha!...
Anonymous Anónimo, at junho 23, 2005 2:16 da tarde  
João, peço desculpa, vou alterar o título mais logo.
Blogger Elise, at junho 23, 2005 3:44 da tarde  
Mamã, tudo de bom para ti! :)
Blogger Elise, at junho 23, 2005 3:50 da tarde  
Blogger Douglas P, at junho 23, 2005 4:44 da tarde  

Se fosse com um homem, mas ele beija uma miúda...eh!
Sempre a má língua a funcionar.
Blogger Luis Oliveira, at junho 23, 2005 4:51 da tarde  
Eu quero opiniões sobre o Bill! foi ou não um bom presidente? Deveria ter admitido o affair? Deveria ter-se demitido após ter mentido a toda a gente?

Vá lá!

Luís, na foto se reparares bem o beijo foi na bochecha. A mim me parece que é a mulher que o agarra. A ser verdade não ficaria surpreendida. Há mulheres que só se sentem atraídas por patifes...
Blogger Elise, at junho 23, 2005 5:38 da tarde  
you people should really focus on other politicians. Bill is old news.
Anonymous Anónimo, at junho 23, 2005 5:49 da tarde  
But not Hillary.
Blogger Elise, at junho 23, 2005 5:59 da tarde  
Bom São João para ti amiga Elise!!!
Blogger Douglas P, at junho 23, 2005 7:27 da tarde  

O Bill Clinton sempre exerceu uma atracção magnética no meio mulherengo.
Inveja tenho eu, ora ora.
Outra coisa, mais importante, se me quiseres ensinar:
como metestes a gravura da miúda aqui nos comments?
Se quiseres explica isso para o meu e-mail:
Blogger Luis Oliveira, at junho 23, 2005 8:31 da tarde  
A forma como a piquena se aplica no contacto físico é de "gaija apaixonada", naquela fase em que o tacto e o agarranço - e o resto que o pudor impede de revelar - traduz 95% da relação. Os outros 5% são gastos a caminho dos encontros amorosos, com aquela ansiedade de coração sobressaltado.

Ah, quem me dera a mim uma paixão daquelas, por fugaz que fosse...
Anonymous Anónimo, at junho 24, 2005 8:57 da manhã  
Mas nem sequer sou presidente da junta...
Anonymous Anónimo, at junho 24, 2005 9:02 da manhã  
What a bummer that I don't speak Portuguese! I'd like to hear what you guys have to say. I think Ana Nemo has a point about Clinton's lying being damaging, you're definately right there. I suppose what annoys me about the focus on Clinton's dodginess is the way in which the religious right operate.

Its the way Republican supporters are so into character assassination of Democrats, that they tend to ignore the bigger issues of National and global affairs. I'm not saying the Democrats are great, but it always seems that Republicans are dirty players.

Oh and yes, I find it disturbing to think of Australia's Prime Minister John Howard having an affair! He is SO unattractive, eeuww! :)

anonymous dude's comment that Bill Clinton is old news is probably the right comment! I guess its the attitudes that keep this topic relevant.

Hey, what's the attitude to Michael Jackson in Portugal? The people around me think he's a weirdo, but aren't convinced of his guilt.

PS. Elise, I love your Whale tale! We have the same thing happening in an old whaling town in the south west of Australia called Albany. I went whale watching 2 years ago and it was amazing!
Blogger mrlederhosen, at junho 24, 2005 10:21 da manhã  
Being Canadian myself, we get alot more news of american politics then you guys over there. American politics are a source of mirth and pain for us. If I was an American I would definately be a democratic. Republicans do tend to let the religions in too much. By the way, Ana Nemo is anonymous in portuguese.

RE MJ, he definately has done something. But the prosecuter should never have decided to go to court with this particular case because of the previous shady character of both parents. The jurys have stated that if the prosecuter had not put the mother on the stand the chances would have been that they would have found MJ guilty. The parents truly turned off the jury in their testimony. In the interviews the jury foreman brought up the attitude from the mother. She kept snapping her fingers at the jury, she winked that the foreman when explaining all of her previous attempts to "coerce" money from other stars and large corporations with false acusations, stating "you know how our culture is, how our culture works", totally disgusting the foreman since he too is also of latin background. Several other juries stated that they could not believe that this mother was able to live with herself because of the moral she was teaching her child. I have read that the mother has been shopping for a lawyer to sue MJ in a civil court (much like the Browns sued and won $33 million from OJ Simpson) but there is no lawyer that is willing to take on the case especially after the mothers testimony proved the downfall.

BTW, I speak and read Portuguese and I still dont understand 1/2 of the stuff that is said on this blog.

Anonymous Anónimo, at junho 24, 2005 4:03 da tarde  
Oh come on, this subject won't end, because Hillary wants to run for president in 2008!

If i was american, i would be republican. *elise hides in fear of retaliation*

Regarding MJ, i think you need to know that we had a major paedophile scandal in portugal, envolving several important people. the trial is going on. a tv hostman, a politician, a diplomat, etc. In my opinion MJ did something. He's a 45 y/o man that enjoys sleeping with kids... doesn't that says all?

BTW, so now Japan has a Whale burger? sickos!

M, thanks for the info. I already knew that the kid's mom was not trustworthy. In fact i think she should do some time in jail just like MJ. But why her character interfered with the sentence? MJ had all those suspicions, and yet, he walked freely! It's insane!

Luís, o Clinton n me atrai minimamente. Neste momento desprezo "pedaços de mau caminho". Mas podemos discutir a falta de auto estima generalizada das mulheres que as levam a correr atrás de homens não recomendáveis.

carneiro, não digas asneiras. :p
Blogger Elise, at junho 24, 2005 5:03 da tarde  
Pronto, tá bem.

*carneiro apruma-se e bate com a mão em gume na testa evitando magoar-se num chavelho*
Anonymous Anónimo, at junho 24, 2005 5:46 da tarde  
Yeah i always thought there was a few unanswered questions about MJ. Wow, Elise, I am shocked, all those links you sent me, this is the first I have heard about it! I hate the way news works, we only hear about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, but not about the Paedophile scandal!
That news is shocking, i only just read about the Belgium Marc Dutroix stories and found that shocking. I hope it gets resolved properly.

Hey, any jobs going for a guy like me in the International Relations / Politics area in Portugal?

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