domingo, julho 31, 2005
Um dos terroristas do atentado falhado de 21 de Julho em Londres, é afinal um pacifista. Afirma que o seu grupo que tentou detonar as bombas, apenas queria chamar a atenção para a guerra no Iraque e não tinha como objectivo a morte de inocentes.
Further, the source said, Osman told authorities the bombs were meant to draw attention to anger over the war in Iraq and not to kill anyone."I am against war," the source quoted Osman as saying. "I've marched in peace rallies and nobody listened to me. I never thought of killing people." CNN
O Racista
Apesar da economia no Zimbabwe estar perto de um colapso, Mugabe continua com as suas políticas desastrosas:
Since 2000 Mugabe's government has seized thousands of white-owned farms after often violent invasions by government-backed veterans of the country's 1970s struggle against white rule.
But Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Gideon Gono recently urged Mugabe's government to allow some white farmers back on to the seized farms to help revive an economy near collapse. CNN.
É com muita preocupação que encaro esta decisão:
The General Medical Council has won its appeal against a ruling allowing a terminally ill man to stop doctors withdrawing his feeding tube.Lesley Burke did not want doctors to stop giving him food and water in the final stages of his illness.The ruling has wide implications for terminally ill people who want the right to die.Como ficam os direitos dos doentes terminais?
And it means that decisions over people's right to live or die are back in the hands of doctors, rather than the patients. Yahoo.
Bombistas Suicidas
O que leva um homem ou uma mulher a tornarem-se bombistas suicidas? Um artigo (extenso) sobre este assunto aqui.
The other Sept. 11 hijackers weren't such control freaks, but they were aimless young men unsure of their place. Journalists have marveled that most of the Sept. 11 hijackers and British bombers came from relatively secular homes. It shouldn't surprise us that fundamentalism attracts Muslims from Westernized backgrounds, and even some Western Muslims, because its appeal is precisely the refuge it offers from the flux and the instability of modern existence. If you don't know what to do with your life, fundamentalism tells you, and not only that, it tells you that you are important, a warrior and a hero.
It's easy to agree with Pape's recommendations for alleviating the geopolitical tensions that contribute to suicide terrorism: drastically reduce and eventually eliminate the number of American troops stationed on the soil of Persian Gulf nations, reduce our dependence on the region's oil. (He focuses less on another essential: brokering peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.) But it's a mistake to think this would end the violence. There are fundamentalists of many faiths fighting the convulsive changes happening all over the planet. They care about more than just one small piece of land; they want to "save" the world.
It's a perfect day... Elise!
He got burned by the sun
His face so pale and his hands so worn
Let himself in room 509
Said a prayer, and cried, 'it's a perfect day elise'
Blog de Elizabete Dias
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- Nome: Elise
- Localização: Maia, Porto - Centro do Mundo, Portugal
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