sábado, outubro 22, 2005


"The children of this nation are being stolen, raped, tortured and killed by sexual predators who are walking right into your homes," said Oprah. "I have had enough. With every breath in my body, whatever it takes and, most importantly, with you by my side, we are going to move heaven and earth to stop an evil that's been going on for far too long."


"I have one intention behind this show," Oprah says, "and that is that somebody of the millions of you who watch will see something that snaps you into reality. ? Child molesters are in your neighborhoods, your schools, your churches, and, as you'll see today, maybe even sleeping in your bed."
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Aqui, podem ler como o governo do estado do Louisiana planeia gastar o dinheiro da ajuda federal:
As Louisiana officials plead for federal hurricane relief aid, a state money panel agreed Thursday to spend nearly $45 million on construction projects ranging from health labs and water wells to a sports complex and livestock facilities.

E o fundamentalismo, claro...
Al Qaeda ataca a Liga Árabe por esta ter planos para a reconciliação de xiitas, curdos e sunitas no Iraque; Jacarta investiga escolas islâmicas por causa dos mais recentes atentados em Bali;
e no Egipto, milhares de muçulmanos atacaram uma igreja em Alexandria, depois das orações de sexta-feira nas mesquitas locais:
The Interior Ministry described the protesters as "fanatic elements" who "escalated a negative reaction to a play". The ministry said about 5000 Muslims had marched to the church after Friday noon prayers at the local mosques.

The riot was the latest in a series of incidents at the church in which Muslims have condemned the distribution of a DVD of a play, performed at the church in 2003, that tells the story of a young Christian who converts to Islam and becomes disillusioned.
Pertinente rever este debate.


Perco-me sempre que quero fazer aqui um comentário, são tão variados que limito-me a esconder a minha opinião. Desejo-te um bom fim-de-semana

Beijos Elise
Gaijo, obrigada pela gargalhada! lolll

Friedrich, estás à vontade para comentar. falo a sério.

abraço aos dois.
Zapatero = Peter Sellers in "The Party".
O critério das televisões já conhecemos, infelizmente.
E o mundo seria bem melhor sem Chavez, Mugabe, Saddam, Bush e uns outros lixos que por aí andam.
coitado do Ken. Não por ser metrosexual, mas por só ter a Barbie para conquistar.
A atenção ao que se passa no mundo é a maior prova de inteligência. Mais do que opiniões, suscitas a reflexão.Regra geral sobre assuntos de que a maioria nem se apercebe.

És aquela máquina...

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