John Hawkins: If Jimmy Carter had somehow defeated Ronald Reagan in 1980, do you think the Soviet Union would still exist today?
Ann Coulter: Yes. On the bright side, Jimmy Carter would have gotten his Nobel Peace prize a lot sooner.
John Hawkins: Despite the fact that Communism has been a blight on the world that eclipsed even Nazism, why do you think so many people on the left even today see no problem marching at a rally organized by Communists or supporting Communist regimes like Castro's Cuba?
Ann Coulter:Communism is like vegetarianism in that it's actually not very healthy for most people but leftists continue to defend it because it seems like the thing to do.
John Hawkins: In your opinion, if someone like Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush had been in the White House instead of Johnson, would we have won in Vietnam?
Ann Coulter: Probably. More importantly, liberals wouldn't be able to call every military action in defense of the nation since then: "the next Vietnam". Fonte.
Não sou fã da Ann Coulter, mas a entrevista tem os seus pontos interessantes.