The king called for a "relentless war on all the Takfiri schools, which embrace extremism, backwardness, isolation and darkness and are fed on the ignorance and naivety of simple people."
He said fatwas, or religious edicts, issued by such groups constitute a "threat on the society and its interests."
The Takfiri doctrine is mostly based on a virulent practice of rejectionism. The idea is that anything having to do with modernity is a threat to Islam. This practice is manifested in the rejection of modern science, modern education, and certain modern technologies if they are contrary to Islamic traditions. Although terrorist groups may in practice use modern weapons, they resent the fact that they were created by infidels and therefore suggest that their use is only to cause the infidel?s demise. The formation of anti-US and anti-Western sentiment is rooted in this principle. The deliberate targeting of anything oriented with the US and/or the West is an expression of this principle and is implemented through a violent practice of jihad.
Escrito por Elise às 12:43 da tarde
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