Rice: O Mundo não está a ajudar no julgamento de Saddam
Rice afirmou que o boicote ao julgamento de Saddam por parte da comunidade internacional, apenas prejudica o povo iraquiano:
"As welcome as this broad support is, I am sad to say that the international community has barely done anything to help Iraq prosecute Saddam Hussein," she said.
"All who express their devotion to human rights and the rule of law have a special obligation to help the Iraqis bring to justice one of the world's most murderous tyrants."
She did not name names, nor say just what other nations could do to help. Although the former president's trial is being carried out in an Iraqi court, with an Iraqi judge, the United States underwrote and helped organize the criminal investigation and prosecution effort.
Saddam and seven others went on trial Oct. 19 in the killing of 148 Shiite Muslims who were executed in 1982 after a failed assassination attempt against the Iraqi leader. If convicted, they could be executed. Fonte.
Escrito por Elise às 10:09 da manhã
talvez a senhora estivesse a pensar em grupos de laidação.... Sobre a "conversa" escolas e símbolos religiosos" obrigada pela participação e virei ler o teu post. Bjocas de luz e paz