More worrying for some is that Ahmadinejad is closely identified with the cult of the "hidden imam", the 12th and last of the line of imams revered by Shia Muslims. In a clear parallel with Jewish and Christian visions of Armageddon, Shias believe the imam zaman will return at a time of great turmoil to defeat the forces of evil; recently the president urged Iranians to work hard for this moment. As one commentator pointed out, this was like Tony Blair telling Britons to prepare for the Second Coming.
LONDON ? Russia and China agreed with the United States and its European allies Monday that Iran must fully suspend its nuclear program, but the countries stopped short of demanding referral to the U.N. Security Council,Britain's Foreign Office said.
A idéia de viver com um Irão nuclear é assustadora.
Escrito por Elise às 11:30 da manhã
quero ver quem é que se mete com esses ou com os norte-coreanos... aí é que os eua nao tentam espalhar a paz e a democracia... tem piada... ora entao um grande bem haja
a china trata do kim jong I| (que por acaso anda por lá a passear). seria muito útil se a china também controlasse o Ahmadinejad. pouparia uma dôr de cabeça a muita gente. beijos