We dress up our capitulation in fancy talk of "tolerance," "responsibility" and "sensitivity." We even congratulate ourselves for having the "editorial judgment" to make "pluralism" possible. "Readers were well served... without publishing the cartoons," said a Wall Street Journal spokesman. "CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons in respect for Islam," reported the cable network. On behalf of the BBC, which did show some of the cartoons on the air, a news editor subsequently apologized, adding: "We've taken a decision not to go further... in order not to gratuitously offend the significant number" of Muslim viewers worldwide. Left unmentioned is the understanding (editorial judgement?) that "gratuitous offense" leads to gratuitous violence. Hence, fear ' not the inspiration of tolerance but of capitulation' and a condition of dhimmitude.
In a world in which Danish cartoons insult the prophet and Disney Piglet mugs insult the prophet and Burger King chocolate ice-cream swirl designs insult the prophet, maybe it would just be easier to make a list of things that don't insult him. Nonetheless, the Muslim Association wrote to the Ann Summers sex-shop chain, "We are asking you to have our Most Revered Prophet's name 'Mustafa' and the afflicted word 'shag' removed." The leader of the 9/11 plotters? Mohammed Atta. (...)The murderer of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh? Mohammed Bouyeri. (...) If I were a Muslim, I would be deeply offended that the prophet's name is the preferred appellation of so many killers and suicide bombers on every corner of the earth.
"Denmark is a liberal country," he said. "We do believe in individual liberty and freedom. People can live according to their own customs. However, I think we have to insist on respecting our core values, including freedom of expression, gender equality for women and men, and a clear distinction between politics and religion."
Rasmussen realça o cerne do conflito. Os imãs dinamarqueses que ajudaram a inflamar os protestos no mundo islâmico querem ser uma excepção na Europa. A igualdade dos géneros, a separação clara entre religião, media e o Estado são inaceitáveis para qualquer fundamentalista.
Esse fulano conseguiu envergonhar-me Portugal é um país onde por mais ridículo que a situação possa parecer, já aconteceu ou esta a acontecer. Agora podemos acrescentar a este governo é ridículo e por mais?