Four out of 10 British Muslims want sharia law introduced into parts of the country, a survey reveals today. Only just over half thought the conviction of the cleric Abu Hamza for incitement to murder and race hatred was fair.
They simply do not realise how seriously Muslims take their religion. Islamic clerics regard themselves as locked in mortal combat with secularism.
'Islamic clerics do not believe in a society in which Islam is one religion among others in a society ruled by basically non-religious laws. They believe it must be the dominant religion - and it is their aim to achieve this.
That plan, says Dr Sookhdeo, is being followed in Britain. "That is why you are seeing areas which are now almost totally Muslim. The next step will be pushing the Government to recognise sharia law for Muslim communities - which will be backed up by the claim that it is "racist" or "Islamophobic" or "violating the rights of Muslims" to deny them sharia law.
The policy of political multiculturalism should be reversed.
o segundo artigo refere isso. noutros países como a frança, holanda, alemanha, certos bairros são como pequenas turquias ou pequenas algerias. Não pode ser.
Bom dia maresia!
Assur, espero que não.
spartakus, concordas que certas comunidades islâmicas sejam regidas pela sharia e não pelas leis dos países onde vivem?