domingo, março 26, 2006
(lista de links guardados nos Favoritos durante a última semana)
Why Iraq Is Still Worth the Effort * Bush's Sun Tzu 'Strategery' * The humanitarian case for war in Iraq * Mr. Bush Unvarnished * Why We Fight On (Tony Blair) * Iraqi marriages defy civil war spectre * Ignorance Pervasive in Reporting From Iraq * The Saddam Tapes and Media Distortion * Operation Iraqi Freedom: Just the facts, please * Bush fighting back * Civil war is nothing new (Charles Krauthammer):
Our Limited Options in Iran
Israel / Palestina
Paz com Israel daqui a um ano, diz Abbas * Letter from Israel: A Yearning for Normalcy * Hamas Duplicity
When Danes Pay Danegeld ? Dealing with Islam in Scandinavia * Sudan's Chinese Guardian * Hobbes in Sudan * We need to reach Islamic hearts, minds * Facing down a culture where they talk like crazies
Cops go to hotel bars to arrest drunk guests * Bush's Indian Triumph * Want To Be German? Better Brush Up On Your Schiller * Democracy and Security
The Bush Doctrine is alive and well. * Paris Burning, Once Again (obrigatório ler) :
Why Iraq Is Still Worth the Effort * Bush's Sun Tzu 'Strategery' * The humanitarian case for war in Iraq * Mr. Bush Unvarnished * Why We Fight On (Tony Blair) * Iraqi marriages defy civil war spectre * Ignorance Pervasive in Reporting From Iraq * The Saddam Tapes and Media Distortion * Operation Iraqi Freedom: Just the facts, please * Bush fighting back * Civil war is nothing new (Charles Krauthammer):
Civil wars are not eternal. This war will end not with an Appomattox instrument of surrender. It will end when a critical mass of Sunnis stops supporting the insurgency and throws in its lot with the new Iraq.E mais uma vez, destaco os últimos posts de Iraq the Model. Enquanto uns saem à rua, em manifs cada vez menos fashion, outros discutem o processo político iraquiano.
How does this happen? The stick is military -- the increased cost in the Sunni blood of continuing the fight. But the carrot is political -- a place at the table for those Sunnis, some of whom are represented in parliament, who are prepared to abandon the insurgency for a share of power, a share of oil income and a sense of security and dignity in the new Iraq.
Our Limited Options in Iran
Israel / Palestina
Paz com Israel daqui a um ano, diz Abbas * Letter from Israel: A Yearning for Normalcy * Hamas Duplicity
When Danes Pay Danegeld ? Dealing with Islam in Scandinavia * Sudan's Chinese Guardian * Hobbes in Sudan * We need to reach Islamic hearts, minds * Facing down a culture where they talk like crazies
Cops go to hotel bars to arrest drunk guests * Bush's Indian Triumph * Want To Be German? Better Brush Up On Your Schiller * Democracy and Security
The Bush Doctrine is alive and well. * Paris Burning, Once Again (obrigatório ler) :
It is now almost impossible to fire an employee in France, a circumstance that disproportionately penalizes groups seen by employers as risky: minorities, inexperienced workers and those without elite educations, like the outraged man sitting beside me.
This is the second time in four months that France has been seized with violent protests. And in an important sense, these are counter-riots, since the goals of the privileged students conflict with those of the suburban rioters who took to the streets last November. The message of the suburban rioters: Things must change. The message of the students: Things must stay the same. In other words: Screw the immigrants.
Escrito por Elise às 9:29 da tarde
It's a perfect day... Elise!
He got burned by the sun
His face so pale and his hands so worn
Let himself in room 509
Said a prayer, and cried, 'it's a perfect day elise'
Blog de Elizabete Dias
Acerca de mim
- Nome: Elise
- Localização: Maia, Porto - Centro do Mundo, Portugal
This blog in silly english
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