quarta-feira, abril 26, 2006
Escrito por Elise às 2:46 da tarde
Quando irá o regime chinês mudar? A ver vamos...
Essa estória da mulher do bangladesh... Wow! Acho que esse juiz é que precisava de umas lamabadas para lhe "tirar os maus espiritos" à boa maneira do bangladesh... Aliás, será que se eu conseguir nacionalidade do bangladesh e depois desatar a espancar os nossos politicos, os tribunais absolvem-me se eu afirmar que era para os exorcisar?
, at Essa estória da mulher do bangladesh... Wow! Acho que esse juiz é que precisava de umas lamabadas para lhe "tirar os maus espiritos" à boa maneira do bangladesh... Aliás, será que se eu conseguir nacionalidade do bangladesh e depois desatar a espancar os nossos politicos, os tribunais absolvem-me se eu afirmar que era para os exorcisar?
a mudança será a longo prazo.
pois é sá morais. a religião e a cultura serve como desculpa para tudo. para isolar mulheres do mundo exterior, para praticar crimes de honra, a excisão feminina e a violência sobre crianças.
pois é sá morais. a religião e a cultura serve como desculpa para tudo. para isolar mulheres do mundo exterior, para praticar crimes de honra, a excisão feminina e a violência sobre crianças.
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About me: I am writer of [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips]Quick weight loss tips[/url]. I am also health trainer who can help you lose weight quickly. If you do not want to go under painful training program than you may also try [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/acai-berry-for-quick-weight-loss]Acai Berry[/url] or [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/colon-cleanse-for-weight-loss]Colon Cleansing[/url] for fast weight loss.
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I am regular visitor of this website[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url]You have really contiributed very good info here lettersfromelise.blogspot.com. Let me tell you one thing guys, some time we really forget to pay attention towards our health. Are you really serious about your weight?. Recent Scientific Research indicates that nearly 80% of all U.S. adults are either obese or overweight[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url] Therefore if you're one of these people, you're not alone. Infact many among us need to lose 10 to 20 lbs once in a while to get sexy and perfect six pack abs. Now the question is how you are planning to have quick weight loss? [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips]Quick weight loss[/url] is really not as tough as you think. If you improve some of your daily diet habbits then, its like piece of cake to quickly lose weight.
About me: I am writer of [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips]Quick weight loss tips[/url]. I am also health trainer who can help you lose weight quickly. If you do not want to go under painful training program than you may also try [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/acai-berry-for-quick-weight-loss]Acai Berry[/url] or [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/colon-cleanse-for-weight-loss]Colon Cleansing[/url] for fast weight loss.