terça-feira, abril 04, 2006


Escrito por Elise às 2:51 da tarde


E não haverá uns maganos prontos a chegar-lhes a roupa ao pêlo quando saírem das assembleias de voto?...
Blogger Gonçalo Taipa Teixeira, at abril 05, 2006 1:30 da manhã  

Violence against women continued to be a serious and overlooked problem. The law does not specifically prohibit domestic violence, although cases are tried as assault.Each of the country's 83 police stations reportedly received weekly complaints of domestic abuse. The courts have found husbands guilty of spousal abuse; however, most domestic abuse cases are not reported, especially outside of the capital. Abusive husbands, if convicted, rarely faced severe penalties.

There are no shelters or hot lines for victims of domestic violence. Some noncitizen women married to citizen men reported domestic abuse and inaction or discrimination by police during the year. By law a victim of domestic violence may file a complaint with the police and request that formal charges be brought against the abuser. In practice, however, even with documented evidence of the abuse such as eyewitness accounts, hospital reports, and social worker testimony, police officials rarely took into custody perpetrators of domestic violence. An abused woman may petition for divorce based on injury, but the law does not provide clear legal standard as to what constitutes injury. In addition a woman must provide at least two male witnesses (or a male witness and two female witnesses) to attest to the injury committed. Individuals reportedly bribed police officials to ignore charges of domestic abuse.


Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Blogger Elise, at abril 05, 2006 10:28 da manhã  
Mais um exemplo do esmagamento das diversidades culturais locais, promovido pelo capitalismo selvagem e pelo neoliberalismo!

Qualquer dia terão direito sei lá, a fazer compras em multinacionais interessadas em explorá-las.

Ou a serem ensinadas em escolas que promovem os currículos decadentes do Ocidente...

...sim, esses ensinamentos corruptos como por exemplo as teorias do multiculturalismo que dizem que o mundo islamita, medieval nos dias que correm, é melhor que o ocidental, e.... calma aí, deixa rebobinar a cassete, alguma coisa correu mal...

Blogger AA, at abril 05, 2006 4:13 da tarde  
A propósito: quando é que começam a dizer que os direitos cívicos começaram no mundo islâmico?
Blogger AA, at abril 05, 2006 4:16 da tarde  
vão votar sim ... e concorrer também
Blogger zero, at abril 05, 2006 10:43 da tarde  

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