Hunger engulfed my little universe. The poorest children lived on nothing but grass, and during class their stomachs rumbled. After a few weeks their faces began to swell, making them look well nourished. Then their faces went on growing until they looked as though they had been inflated. Their cheeks were so puffy that they couldn?t see the blackboard. Some of them were covered with impetigo and flaking skin. My classmates started dying during the summer of 1996. One girl spent her days by her dying brother?s bedside, going short herself so that he would have more to eat. She died before he did.
Mais uma vez aconselho este documentário: Children of the Secret State- North Korea
*processo agudo de fome/desnutrição que pode levar à morte
Escrito por Elise às 10:00 da tarde
Já vi vários documentários sobre a Coreia do Norte e nenhum enganava... Aquilo é um regime inumano e selvagem!