Mr. Hitchens is entirely correct. Saddam provided "safe haven" for terrorists with "global reach." Among them were terrormaster Abu Nidal, Abdul Rahman Yassin, one of the conspirators in the 1993 WTC bombing, "Khala Khadr al-Salahat, the man who reputedly made the bomb for the Libyans that brought down Pan Am Flight 103 over...Scotland,"Abu Abbas, mastermind of the October 1985 Achille Lauro hijacking and murder of Leon Klinghoffer," & "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, formerly the director of an al Qaeda training base in Afghanistan" who is now believed to be leading Al-Qaeda's forces in Iraq.
Without question, Saddam Hussein had extensive ties to terrorism.
Yet for the most part, America is less interested in the success of Operation Iron Fist, for instance, than the course of the entire Iraq enterprise. "What the national news media try to do is figure out: What's the overall verdict?" says Brig. Gen. Volney Warner, deputy commandant of the Army Command and General Staff College. "Soldiers don't do overall verdicts."
Rummel said he was influenced to revise his figures upward after reading a pair of books, "Wild Swans: Two Daughters of China," by Jung Chang; and "Mao: the Unknown Story," which Jung wrote with her husband, Jon Halliday.
"From the biography of Mao, which I trust ? I can now say that yes, Mao's policies caused the famine. He knew about it from the beginning," Rummel said, adding Mao even "tried to take more food from the people to pay for his lust for international power, but was overruled by a meeting of 7,000 top Communist Party members."
However, the Socialists said the measure was offensive to former colonies and French citizens with roots there, and should be erased.
Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has equated the law with "mental blindness", and said it smacks of revisionism. Algeria's Parliament called it a "grave precedent".
The measure threatens to delay the signing of a friendship treaty between France and Algeria, which once was an integral part of France, just like Normandy.
Many Shia Muslims were banned from visiting the shrines under Saddam Hussein's regime and at one time Karbala was "razed to the ground", Mr Khoei said.
He added there were still dangers from different groups, including ones who believed visiting shrines was sinful.
He pointed out the Britons who died had been attacked in Baghdad, whereas in the south the majority of people were Shia and the region was considered "relatively safe" for them.
He said Shia Muslims would learn the history and importance of saints and imams as they grew up, so visiting the sites would be very significant.
"It is similar to a Catholic visiting Lourdes or a Christian visiting Bethlehem."
The research team analyzed voice tones of two groups of the same species of primates, the Japanese Yakushima macaque also known as Macaca fuscata yakui, between 1990 and 2000.
The result showed that the island group had a tone about 110 hertz higher on average than the one taken to central Japan.
Monkeys on Yakushima Island have an accent with a higher tone because tall trees on the island tend to block their voice, Masataka said.
"On the other hand, monkeys on Mount Ohira do not have to gibber with a high tone as trees there are low," he said. "Each group adopted their own accent depending upon their environment." This suggests differences in voice tones are not caused by genes, Masataka said, adding the results "may lead to a clue to the origin of human language.
The 50-year-old actor said that he was in talks about a film of ?these guys who do what they are asked to for very little money to defend and fight for what they consider to be freedom?.
Unlike many Hollywood stars Willis supports the war and recently offered a $1m (about £583,000) bounty for the capture of any of Al-Qaeda?s most wanted leaders such as Osama Bin Laden, Ayman Al-Zawahiri or Abu Musab al- Zarqawi, its commander in Iraq. Willis visited the war zone with his rock and blues band, the Accelerators, in 2003.
?I am baffled to understand why the things I saw happening in Iraq are not being reported,? he told MSNBC, the American news channel.
- Comemos um peru enorme no dia de Acção de Graças. - Nós comemos recheio, batatas e empadas. - Nós comemos no McDonald's. - McDonald's? Fixe, fixe! - Quem me dera que a minha mãe cozinhasse assim.
"I think bird flu fear has been over-emphasised," said Leslie Dierauf, director of the National Wildlife Health Center in Wisconsin, the United States.
"It's a very complex virus. In order to be highly pathogenic you have to mix and match with other viruses and mutate. There is no predictability to that. We don't know when it's going to mix, when it's going to match, or when it's going to mutate, or where," she said.
Rather than discouraging bird watching or calls for culling wild birds, it is more efficient to reduce contact between domestic fowls and wild birds and to improve biosecurity in the poultry industry.
- Recebeste um postal de Natal da nossa vizinha, a senhora Feeny. Ela diz que espera que recebas um pedaço de carvão como prenda. Um pedaço grande e inflamável.
Any child writing to the chap in red is guaranteed a personal reply and a small gift via a new dedicated Santa service, Posten spokeswoman Eva Appelgren told AFP on Saturday.
Special red postboxes have been installed in the main cities of Stockholm, Malmo, Goteborg and Umeaa to make sure children's pleas are whisked straight to the Christmas authorities.
Hotel heiress Paris Hilton has reportedly onfessed that she believed in Santa Claus until she was 17 years ld.
The Simple Life star, who recently broke off her engagement with reek shipping heir Paris Latsis claiming she was too young to et married, has revealed that she always treasured the Christmas olidays, until somebody shattered her childhood illusions, by elling her there is no such thing as 'Santa Clause'.
"A mean person told me it wasn't true," Femalefirst quoted her, s saying.
However, seven years down the line, since her 17th birthday, the 4-year-old still celebrates 'Christmas', and this year she hopes to receive a Bentley convertible and a pair of 150,000 dollars diamond earrings from Father Christmas. (ANI)
"O ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros romeno declarou hoje que a Roménia "não tem tempo a perder com investigações" sobre alegações de que terá autorizado prisões secretas da CIA, classificando-as como "pura especulação". "Por que haveria um inquérito se não existe nenhuma prova sobre isso. Quem tiver tempo a perder para investigar esse assunto será bem-vindo à Roménia", declarou Razvan Ungureanu."
The king called for a "relentless war on all the Takfiri schools, which embrace extremism, backwardness, isolation and darkness and are fed on the ignorance and naivety of simple people."
He said fatwas, or religious edicts, issued by such groups constitute a "threat on the society and its interests."
The Takfiri doctrine is mostly based on a virulent practice of rejectionism. The idea is that anything having to do with modernity is a threat to Islam. This practice is manifested in the rejection of modern science, modern education, and certain modern technologies if they are contrary to Islamic traditions. Although terrorist groups may in practice use modern weapons, they resent the fact that they were created by infidels and therefore suggest that their use is only to cause the infidel?s demise. The formation of anti-US and anti-Western sentiment is rooted in this principle. The deliberate targeting of anything oriented with the US and/or the West is an expression of this principle and is implemented through a violent practice of jihad.
Podem ver o vídeo de uma entrevista a uma menina egípcia de três anos e meio aqui (com legendas em inglês). Traduzo um excerto:
Amer: Basmallah, conheces os Judeus?
Basmallah: Sim.
Amer: Gostas deles?
Basmallah: Não.
Amer: Porque não gostas deles?
Basmallah: Porque.
Amer: Porque são o quê?
Basmallah: São macacos e porcos.
Amer: Porque são macacos e porcos. Quem disse isso?
Basmallah: O nosso Deus.
Amer: Onde disse isso?
Basmallah: No Corão.
Amer: Está certo. Basmallah, o que fizeram os judeus?
Basmallah: A Pepsi.
Aconselho novamente a leitura deste debate onde participou uma psicóloga muçulmana:
Nos nossos países a religião é a única fonte de educação. (...) São os ensinamentos islâmicos que corrompem o terrorista e destroem a humanidade nele. Não foi o terrorista que distorceu os ensinamentos islâmicos como alguns ignorantes afirmam. Quando recitas a uma criança pequena os versos: "Eles serão mortos ou crucificados, ou terão as suas mãos e pés amputados", independentemente da interpretação deste verso (...) deste o primeiro passo para criar um terrorista.
On September 25, 2005, in a startling speech at the University of Toronto that caught the attention of mainstream newspapers and magazines, Paul Hellyer, Canada?s Defence Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson, publicly stated: "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."
Mr. Hellyer went on to say, "I'm so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something."
Hellyer revealed, "The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defence, were never in-the-loop."
Hellyer warned, "The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. He stated, "The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide."
CM - Não atravessamos uma onda de pessimismo relativamente à incapacidade de renovação da política?
MS - Não. O que tem havido é uma grande campanha contra a política e os partidos. Uma campanha com raiz de direita, que tem dado frutos. Os políticos têm má fama, toda a gente diz que as responsabilidades são dos políticos. Ninguém se lembra das responsabilidades dos jornalistas, dos juízes, dos técnicos, dos economistas... Todos temos responsabilidades. Numa democracia todos somos o Estado. Quem elege os governantes não são os portugueses?
CM - Toda a Direita está contra o sistema partidário?
MS - Grande parte. Eu não diria que é contra o sistema partidário, mas que advoga a descredibilização dos partidos, até porque é uma posição cómoda. Como os partidos são responsáveis, julgam os que dizem isso que deixam de ter responsabilidade própria. Desresponsabiliza-se tudo.
CM - Acha que, mesmo numa fase mais adiantada, ele (Cavaco Silva) não vai
MS - Não acho nada, não sou o estratega dele. Constato o que se passa. Eu fui ao Brasil e fartei-me de dar entrevistas. Dei à Globo, à Bandeirantes... E ele recusou todos os convites. Quer aparecer o menos possível, para não escorregar. Dá uma sensação de debilidade evidente.
CM- Isso devia ser penalizado nos votos?
MS - Acho que sim. Estou convencido de que vou ganhar as eleições por isso mesmo.
Durante todo o Verão as formigas fartaram-se de trabalhar e preparam-se para o Inverno, enquanto que o Gafanhoto foi a todos os concertos dos Rage Against the Machine e jogou Everquest. O Gafanhoto riu-se das formigas por estas trabalharem muito. Depois chegou o Inverno. As formigas tinham muita comida e um abrigo, enquanto que o Gafanhoto não tinha nada. Por isso o governo usou o dinheiro dos impostos das formigas e construiu para o Gafanhoto uma casa, deu-lhe comida e pagou cursos universitários que o Gafanhoto nem se deu ao trabalho de frequentar. Quando as formigas queixaram-se, todas as pessoas concordaram que elas eram apenas umas palermas ricaças e gananciosas por terem mais dinheiro que o Gafanhoto.A Moral da história: Tirar o dinheiro de pessoas que muito trabalharam e dá-lo a preguiçosos é pura compaixão.
Mais contos de fadas politicamente correctos aqui.
John Hawkins: If Jimmy Carter had somehow defeated Ronald Reagan in 1980, do you think the Soviet Union would still exist today?
Ann Coulter: Yes. On the bright side, Jimmy Carter would have gotten his Nobel Peace prize a lot sooner.
John Hawkins: Despite the fact that Communism has been a blight on the world that eclipsed even Nazism, why do you think so many people on the left even today see no problem marching at a rally organized by Communists or supporting Communist regimes like Castro's Cuba?
Ann Coulter:Communism is like vegetarianism in that it's actually not very healthy for most people but leftists continue to defend it because it seems like the thing to do.
John Hawkins: In your opinion, if someone like Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush had been in the White House instead of Johnson, would we have won in Vietnam?
Ann Coulter: Probably. More importantly, liberals wouldn't be able to call every military action in defense of the nation since then: "the next Vietnam". Fonte.
Não sou fã da Ann Coulter, mas a entrevista tem os seus pontos interessantes.
ABC News has acquired voice mail messages from Michael Jackson in which the pop star blames a Jewish conspiracy for his financial woes.
"They suck ... they're like leeches ... I'm so tired of it," Jackson told former adviser Dieter Wiesner in one of the messages. "The Jews do it on purpose."
The message recorded by Jackson two years ago aired Tuesday on Good Morning America, The New York Daily News reported Wednesday.
This is not the first brush with anti-Semitism for Jackson who, a decade ago, sang Jew me/Sue me/Everybody do me/Kick me/Kike me on the song They Don't Care About Us.
Somos memórias de lobos que rasgam a pele Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
They awake for flesh Choose pain as a path Refuse a light To blind you and me
Full moon madness, We are as one and congregate Full moon madness We rise again to procreate
Somos memórias de lobos que rasgam a pele Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser Ou talvez memórias de homens. Que insistem em não rasgar a pele Homens que procuram ser lobos Mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
They awake for flesh Choose pain as a path Refuse a light To blind you and me
Full moon madness, We are as one and congregate Full moon madness We rise again to procreate to seal our fate
Irreverence was cast out from the sky And eternity lost it?s sex forever And under the same heaven they voted to emptiness They still celebrate under a full moon madness...
They awake for flesh Choose pain as a path Refuse a light To blind you and me
Irreverence was cast out from the sky And eternity lost it?s sex forever And under the same heaven they voted to emptiness We still celebrate under a full moon madness..
É assim que o Tribunal Constitucional está à beira de declarar inconstitucional, com força obrigatória geral, a disposiçâo do Código Penal que, a seu ver, "discrimina ilegitimamente" a pedofilia homossexual. Ou seja, os juízes entendem, por exemplo, que é exactamente igual um miúdo ser abusado ou violado por uma mulher ou por um homem. Sem curar de saber qual das situações poderá causar maior abalo e mais danos permanentes ou futuros à vítima, eles consideram que o essencial é preservar o direito à orientação sexual do abusador. Espanta-me que não ocorra a estes guardiões da Constituição nenhuma consideração relativa ao direito à orientação sexual da vítima: e se o miúdo abusado não tem, nem nunca vier a manifestar ao longo da vida, qualquer propensão homossexual? Mesmo assim deve curvar-se ao intocável direito de orientação sexual do abusador? Desculpem-me que o diga com toda a franqueza, mas a aplicação cega deste princípio parece-me tão repelente que a única conclusão lógica que eu consigo extrair é que as vítimas do caso Casa Pia, por exemplo, vão acabar por ter sido duplamente abusadas: pelos criminosos e pela Constituição. Miguel Sousa Tavares
De acordo com estas estatísticas, cerca de 50% de todas as vítimas de sodomia forçada e/ou assalto sexual com objecto, têm menos de 12 anos. É preciso elaborar as possíveis consequências da sodomia numa criança ou jovem adolescente? Estranho sistema este, onde se protegem os direitos dos agressores e não os das vítimas.
the anger of immigrant Muslims reflects their lack of opportunities and their dead-end prospects.
Instead of gearing itself to job creation and upward mobility ? as the American system does ? the French economy, society, labor regulations, tax laws and social structure are all designed to provide a high-quality life to the traditional, white population without allowing the growth and expansion so necessary for the swelling ranks of immigrants.
Shopkeepers are protected against low-cost competition and farmers are sheltered behind a wall of agricultural subsidies that are the bane of the European Union that foots the bill.
And almost everybody in France gets a check every month. The amounts vary, but even millionaires get a handout from the government. There is no resentment against welfare or the dole in the salons of Paris because everybody gets it. Middle-class entitlements are the order of the day.
But this seeming utopia costs money. Taxes in France absorb a bit less than half of the national income (compared with about one-third in the United States). And the rigidity of labor laws make it very hard to dismiss a worker, assuring that few jobs will be created.
Ask any Islamic taxi driver in New York and he will tell you his children are going to college and will regale you with his high hopes for the future. This sense of optimism and improvement kindles a national pride which tends to offset the pull of the separatist Islamic culture and nullifies much of its anti-Western connotation.
the stagnation of the French economy ? and the rigidity of its society ? leaves them a congealed mass at the bottom of the economic ladder, concentrated in poor suburbs, shunted out of sight and out of the way.
Pois é amigos. É verdade que já passou uma eternidade, mas é sempre bom anunciar o vencedor da pior capa de disco de sempre. O prémio vai ser atribuído ao simplório Mário!!! Num total de 515 votos distribuídos, o Mário foi o grande vencedor com 44% dos votos. De parabéns está também Xiu-Xiu que conseguiu 34%. O terceiro lugar vai para a família que revelou ser possuidora de problemas mentais: os Witty!!! (nota: reparem onde o puto está com a mão).
China's first liquid condom went on sale today after the country's health and drugs administration formally gave the hi-tech prophylactic the thumbs-up, the China Daily reports.
Dubbed the Nanometer-silver Cryptomorphic Condom (NCC), it's designed for female rather than male usage. The condom-in-a-can is essentially an antiseptic foam spray that the manufacturer claims forms a physical membrane inside the vagina, protecting it from infection, acting as a barrier to pregnancy and providing a lubricating effect. Click Here
It's not known who makes the NCC, but Beijing-based Chinese-Canadian condom maker Blue Cross Biomedical has been touting something along these lines for a while now. It maintains its spray-in condom "can effectively kill gynaecological disease pathogens such as staphylococcus aureus, Candida, coliform bacillus, and can prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Once I had my heroes Once I had my dreams But all of that is changed now The truth begins again The truth is not that comfortable, no Mother taught us patience The virtues of restraint Father taught us boundaries The knowledge we must go I'm trying to protect my unity
That's when I reach for my revolver That's when it all gets blown away That's when I reach for my revolver The spirit passes by this way
A friend of mine once told me His one and only aim To build a giant castle And in it sign his name Sign it with complete community
That's when I reach for my revolver That's when it all gets blown away That's when I reach for my revolver The spirit passes by this way
Now that the sky is empty And that is nothing new Instead they look upon us When they tell me That we're nothing I say!
That's when I reach for my revolver That's when it all gets blown away That's when I reach for my revolver The spirit passes by this way
That's when I reach for my revolver That's when it all gets blown away That's when I reach for my revolver The spirit passes by this way
"Por isso, o que a esquerda fez, ou pelo menos o que fizeram os partidos socialistas, foi aproximar-se do centro, esquecendo que, quando a esquerda se aproxima do centro, aproxima-se da direita", opinou. ?Quando a direita se aproxima do centro, não começa com políticas de centro, mas continua sim com políticas de direita. Ou seja, tudo se move para a direita, e qualquer outra coisa é retórica, são canções para fazer dormir as crianças?, afirmou. Saramago Via Joana, fórum Pantera
A new British reality show is taking a group of unwitting civilians and trying to convince them they've been launched into space, according to This Is London.
Nine unsuspecting Britons will be fooled into thinking they are going to be blasted into space as tourists after some serious training from the Space Tourism Agency of Russia.
Mr Costello said anyone who was alienated by Australia's form of government, judicial system and civil rights and wanted something else "might be better advised to find the 'something else' somewhere else".
"There are Islamic states around the world that practise sharia law and if that's your object you may well be much more at home in such a country than trying to turn Australia into one of those countries, because it's not going to happen," he said.
Many black Australians live in poverty and are permanently unemployed. There are claims that the benefit payments they receive have stripped them of any motivation to work and can lead to serious health and social problems. The Aborigines call it sit-down money. This money is often frittered away on a destructive mix of alcohol and gambling.
Mas não se esqueçam que Bush continua a pressionar a China:
As the people of China grow in prosperity, their demands for political freedom will grow as well," Bush said.
He also called for lifting state controls on religion in China, including the right to "print Bibles and other sacred texts without fear of punishment".
Last week, China sentenced Protestant minister Cai Zhuohua to three years in jail for privately publishing the Bible and other religious publications. He was convicted of running an illegal business.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The CIA is so impressed by Dr. Phil's interrogation techniques they're interested in hiring him as a consultant. They've yet to interrogate the man himself, as they are still gathering information.
"Watch his show," said a top CIA official. "He seems so homey and touchy-feely until it gets down to the nittygritty. His lectures to his guests are ball-breakers, and he always ends with, 'so what's it gonna be?' and they give it up. Instantly."
Happiness More or less It's just a change in me Something in my liberty Oh, my, my Happiness Coming and going I watch you look at me Watch my fever growing I know just where I am
But how many corners do I have to turn? How many times do I have to learn All the love I have is in my mind?
Well, I'm a lucky man With fire in my hands
Happiness Something in my own place I'm standing naked Smiling, I feel no disgrace With who I am
Happiness Coming and going I watch you look at me Watch my fever growing I know just who I am
But how many corners do I have to turn? How many times do I have to learn All the love I have is in my mind?
I hope you understand I hope you understand
Gotta love that'll never die
Happiness More or less It's just a change in me Something in my liberty Happiness Coming and going I watch you look at me Watch my fever growing I know Oh, my, my Oh, my, my Oh, my, my Oh, my, my
Gotta love that'll never die Gotta love that'll never die No, no I'm a lucky man
It's just a change in me Something in my liberty It's just a change in me Something in my liberty It's just a change in me Something in my liberty Oh, my, my Oh, my, my It's just a change in me Something in my liberty Oh, my, my Oh, my, my
A former Dubai resident was outraged after she spotted a tiger looking out of a 4X4 while on holiday in the city.
She said: ?This picture shows how in this part of the world, people with too much money have no care for the environment or mother nature or an animal?s natural home.
The two men and women had met at a Milwaukee bus station June 16 and decided to go camping at the park with some other people.
When Rush made a sexual advance toward one of the women, she told him that they were in a lesbian relationship and did not like men in a romantic way, according to sheriff's reports.
Langballe and Rush told the women they were skinheads of the Nazi Nation and did not like homosexuals, authorities said. The men then took the women's clothing from a car and burned it while the women fled.
When the women came back later to return some items of Langballe and Rush, an altercation ensued. One woman sustained minor injuries to her face, arms and legs, according to reports, and Rush pulled out a knife and threatened to kill them.
As the women fled again, the men ripped a backpack away from one of the women.
A propósito dos movimentos anti-globalização, considero-os tão racistas quanto aqueles que gritam "pretos para África", porque para eles certos continentes devem continuar na pré-história ea ser convenientemente ignorados:
If free trade and globalization are about protecting power and privilege, so is their nemesis. Shedding crocodile tears over the working conditions of a teenager in a country you cannot find on the biggest map is but a lame attempt to cover up the fear of losing one's overpaid job to an "ugly foreigner" who can do it better for less. Fonte.
Or take last week's attacks in Jordan by a quartet of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's finest suicide bombers. The day after the carnage, Jordanians took to the streets in their thousands to shout "Death to Zarqawi!" and "Burn in hell, Zarqawi!" King Abdullah denounced terrorism as "sick" and called for a "global fight" against it. "These people are insane," he said of the husband-and-wife couple dispatched to blow up a wedding reception.
For purposes of comparison, consider the Madrid bombing from March last year. The day after that, Spaniards also took to the streets, for their feebly tasteful vigil. Instead of righteous anger, they were "united in sorrow" - i.e. enervated in passivity. Instead of wishing death on the perpetrators, the preferred slogan was "Basta!" - "Enough!" - which was directed less at the killers than at Aznar and Bush. Instead of a leader who calls for a "global fight", they elected a government pledged to withdraw from any meaningful role in the global fight.
So Europe's present biculturalism makes disaster a certainty. One way to avoid it would be to go genuinely multicultural, to broaden the Continent's sources of immigration beyond the Muslim world. But a talented ambitious Chinese or Indian or Chilean has zero reason to emigrate to France, unless he is consumed by a perverse fantasy of living in a segregated society that artificially constrains his economic opportunities yet imposes confiscatory taxation on him in order to support an ancien regime of indolent geriatrics.
France faces tough choices and, unlike Baghdad, in Paris you can't even talk about them honestly. As Jean-Claude Dassier, director-general of the French news station LCI, told a broadcasters' conference in Amsterdam, he has been playing down the riots on the following grounds: "Politics in France is heading to the Right and I don't want Right-wing politicians back in second or even first place because we showed burning cars on television."
Oh, well. You can understand why the Quai d'Orsay is relaxed about Iran becoming the second Muslim nuclear power. As things stand, France is on course to be the third. You heard it here first. You probably won't hear it on Mr Dassier's station at all.
A teacher who has been dealing with the veil issue in school since 1988, Alami isn?t gentle with those who, through their hesitations and compromises, ?make it possible for little girls to be discriminated against and stigmatized already beginning in school.? Her eyes grow fiery as she tells of ?women who have stayed behind in the North African countryside, who are enraged when they see their sisters who have left for Western countries come back veiled and submissive.? Alami says that it?s in the name of all these women that she defends ?the right to anonymity.?
In hundreds of French housing projects and ghettos populated by mostly Muslim Arab and African immigrants and their French children and grandchildren, "normal" has been for years a sort of chronic intifada, even if it was invisible to most of France and the rest of the world. According to research conducted by the government's domestic-intelligence network, the Renseignements Generaux, French police would not venture without major reinforcements into some 150 "no-go zones" around the country?and that was before the recent wave of riots began on Oct. 27. In France's "immigrant" neighborhoods, to borrow a phrase from the American military, it's "situation normal, all f?-ed up."
for Spain alone to keep its economy growing at the robust rate it has seen for the last decade, it has to have 1 million new immigrant workers per year. And despite some right-wing backlash by locals who feel threatened?or overwhelmed?first-generation immigrants cause relatively few problems. They tend to compare their life in Europe with the much harsher one they came from, and typically they take jobs few Europeans want.
Strong economic growth that creates jobs plus an open business environment that makes room for small-time entrepreneurs can ease tensions. (France is notably weak on both fronts.) But addressing the problem of racism is more complex.
Podem fazer um questionário sobre valores pessoais, aqui.
O meu resultado:
Synopsis Values human relationships above all. Motivated to help people be the best they can be. Giving of time, resources, talent and energy.
You appear to have some aspects of social values. The following is a list of the traits you seem to share with other individuals with these values:
* You value friendship and think human relationships are the most important thing in life * You respect the helping professions * You put your family first, especially in times of crisis * You are motivated to help people * You hate injustice/ unfair treatment of other people, and you stand up for what you believe in * You believe that communicating and sharing emotions is extremely important * You enjoy meeting new people * You seek out people who are helpful, compassionate and generous * You respect people who fight for social change * You feel that empathy is one of your strengths * You are comforted by the presence of family and friends in crisis * You enjoy discussing and helping other people solve interpersonal problems
And North Koreans will be interested in Kim Jong Chol's defence and foreign policies - which he proposes should be lead by the 'Muscles From Brussels'.
Inspired by Van Damme's terrorist-busting performance in 1995 film 'Sudden Death', he says: "I'd not allow weapons or atom bombs any more. I'd destroy all terrorists with the Hollywood star Jean-Claude Van Damme."